Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hierarchies 101

All human cultures in history have had and still do have hierarchies.

Some are based on birth. Some are based on birth and merit.
None are or ever were based on merit alone. If you make a billion, you too will want to leave a large chunk to your kids and that will give them a social advantage. That is Human nature. 
Here we have a culture that has a 30/70 birth to merit ratio. Europe as a whole 60/40. That is why people want to come to the USA. One of the great lies of history is the "Classless society" that has been used since Adam..."Hey..want to be equal with God"...The levelers used it in the 1500s and the Commies and socialists use it today as a means to power.
The leaders of the USSR or Red China did and do NOT live like the common people. "So what?" Your commie profs say. "There are rich and poor in America." That is true but HERE all can try to make it to the top of what ever field that WE chose. That freedom to choose is what makes this
The USA. That is why people want to come here.

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