Sunday, October 30, 2022

To the bank!!!


 "Seems Larry needs someone to go to his stash and get out..." Said Grrr as he looked at the notes he took , "about L 210,000 in limey money and send Larry a bank check so he can forward it to the King's tax man. I would  or Vlad would be happy to help  lend or just give him the money. But you know Larry. Both Bob and Grrr said in a very bad Upper Class British accent. "Most kind of you chaps, but a gentleman, if he has the resources, pays his own way.

"Ok. Ole reptile so what do we do?  " asked Bob between bites. "Ya know these homemade donuts are very good..Any way you were saying? asked Bob.

"It seems his bank is local but the problem is  that  it is only opened during the day so Vlad cannot go and I sort of don't fit...darn vault is too small. I still got my size changing ring but it does not work in vaults  too much steel the Brains who made it say..So ah."....Grrr stopped 

"Ok that leaves me I guess " said Bob. "I am going to need a note or some kind of document from Larry oh, and a key, The beings running Dinotown Bank are not I hope let any one just walk into a Box and help themselves."

"Got the key here,  And Larry called ahead to the Bank and using his  password told them you would be coming, He also sent some kind of ID for you to use."  said Grrr

"Well, no time like now.' taking the Key and ID documents from Grrr. 'I shall head to his bank". Said Bob

About 4 hours later Bob was back talking to Grrr

'Done ole reptile. They sure were polite at that bank once they heard Larry's name.

The President of the Bank came out to help and was most kind'. Bob said

"I bet" replied Grrr . "He even helped you count out the silver. Larry owns 95% of that bank!"

'Actually, She did, seems that they have a lady running things and it was more weigh the stuff and figure out current value and British rates of exchange. That is what took so darn long'. answered Bob.."I tell ya that guy has some stash. The movies must have paid well.'

'Yep'. Replied Grrr 'That they did. AND that is only one of Larry's banks. He has been at it for 120 years!!!!!"

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