Monday, October 31, 2022

A rather well to do wolfman!

"I knew the movies paid well but who figured that Larry would have whole banks? 
I mean he is so polite and down to earth? said Bob

"That is just his nature." said Grrr. "He was already a NAME when I was just starting out in flicks. Even then, when I was nobody actor wise. Larry was very kind to me. From the head of the studio to the lowest gofer. Larry treated all beings politely. I asked him about it later,when we became friends. He was surprised and said it was just the way a gentleman acted, He had learned it in the family."

"I know that the Brits can be polite..but somehow you dont expect that sort of thing from a wolf man."
"Stereotyping old ape? Who told the kids to judge all by their actions alone?"  replied Grrr
"Thanks pal" replied Bob " you are right". 

A bit embarrassed Grrr replied" You are welcome pal...but ya still an ape!"
"Yeah? "replied Bob  "Well you are a rotten reptilian!"
The two pals started to happily chase  each other around the garage!!!!  All was well .
Tomorrow: The lair

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