Thursday, October 27, 2022


 Since the fall of the USSR, there have been two major schools in Russia. One(A) wanted to make Russia part of the world. They wished to join the EU and NATO ( if NATO was kept) Create a Euro Russia. At one point Russia's atomic weapons, by report' were turned off, Hollywood Movies were made in Russia and Gorby was in a Pizza hut commercial in Moscow. That is changing and fast.

The other school(pure Russian school (b) saw Europe and it's values almost as anti Russian. They wanted to create an independent to follow only Russian values.
I suspect Mr. Putin was of this school. ( I am not a Putin expert and bow to deeper Putin scholars. please keep that in mind)

The problem School B had was that more and more Russians, especially the younger ones, wanted the western life and did NOT see the EU or America as the foe. As I wrote above, That is changing and fast.
Russians have historically been VERY patriotic. When they speak of the "Motherland" they mean it and have throughout their history scorched the earth of Russia, even if it meant burning their own food, rather than give it up in any useful state to any invader.
I suspect seeing their sons, husbands, brothers or lovers coming home in a box, killed by EU and American weapons is converting many Russians, even if they did not support the war in the Ukraine, to the " Independent (B)Russian school.

I leave the solution to wiser heads...I but state the problem. We need wise people running the nation at this time.
I see several paths: Atomic war:by accident or in answer to a NATO invasion of Russia. A major Russian defeat or a major defeat of the Ukraine and by extension of NATO and the USA, OR wise people could sit down a negotiate a settlement. The problem is that dull small minds refuse to talk, They fear losing face. Interesting times.

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