Monday, November 7, 2016

Gretta is highly..make that very highly.. annoyed!

Gretta is highly..make that very highly..  annoyed!
Flower, her kid  sister,  and Dr. H ran away together.
Seems that Flower, being a hippy dino, did not want a big Wedding  alter all.
"Well to be clear,"  Grrr told Bob. They were  married a couple of years ago as you know old ape, but they got this  " reaffirm you vows" hippy type thing'  Gretta was for making it a big event, Rapters are into the  pack as one idea."
 Dr. H,  being nuts over Flower,  wanted “Whatever makes her happy.” So they ran off.
Gretta is mad and An annoyed rapter is not a happy making thing.
 Grrr tried to make her feel better by making a joke.”Well babe.” Grrr said, “At least you don’t have to worry about fitting in that  old bridesmaid’s dress.” Gretta did Not see the humor.
She told Stef; and now Grrr and Bob  hiding in the  swamp till the wives  cool off.

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