Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why we don't trust the progressives when they speak of "reasoniable" gun bans

Mr. Obama, before he was in the WH, it has been reported said..that He does not think people outside of government have a right to arms.
Mr. Holder said, I saw the clip on TV, before he was in office that people had to be brainwashed into giving up their guns.
Sen. Finestine said had she the votes, she would have made Americans turn in all their arms. So by "reasonable" the left means ALL.
Now these are NOT stupid people and they know that criminals WILL NOT turn in their guns..criminals don't obey the law, that is why they are criminals, so that only honest Americans will be the question becomes.."why do they want to disarm honest Americans? Think about that. Then call Congress and tell them to vote "NO" on any gun bans..

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