Sunday, March 8, 2020

Dragon's on the phone

Grrr was on the computer when the phone rang.
Picking up the phone with one claw while he typed with the other, he said  "Grrr Rex here wanna ya want?"
"Still the same old warm and fuzzy Rex Grrr? The being on the phone answered.
"Dragon ?  Pal is that you?" ask Grrrr
"None other old friend. How is retirement?"
"Not bad at all. I heard that you were doing TV now?"
"I know it is not the stage or even the big screen but it sure pays the bills and a Dragon gotta eat."
"I hear ya, Ya know I watched some of the Game flick and it was not bad."
"I was temped to eat a few of the cast but the director said if I ate any but extras it was coming out of my pay.
"Yep, As I recall directory and studio suits are not known for being warmblooded. replied Grrr.
"Anyway not at lot of call for us in movies. I am well supplied the Mrs stocked a lot away...
"The ladies are good are good at that" replied Grrr,
"I heard through the grapevine that a new Godzilla movie was in the works and that Bruce the Shark had a fin in it..I know you guys are long time friends and I was wondering......asked Dragon
"Not a problem I will call him. US reptiles gotta help each-other out." replied Grrr
"Yep as long as it is not the same prey..." said Dragon
"Or part;between actors reptile or human, that can get prehistoric".said Grrr
"That is true...casting calls are down right frightening." replied Dragon.

To be continued,

Dragons Make 'Game of Thrones: Conquest' a Real Scorcher ...

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