Friday, March 6, 2020

Gretta"s' swim suit

"it is all your fault ole ape!" roared Grrr the mighty T Rex.
"How is it my fault?" Bob roared back "if Gretta wants something? She is your wife!"
"Stef and her went to the pool and Stef wore a new swimsuit!" said Grrr
"News flash pal, ladies like to shop and buy new stuff, Gretta is a raptor lady and the girls are friends so of course they go places together!"
"Yeah..Well now Gretta wants a swimsuit and being a dino she got a tail and ..that is a problem.  I just told her to cut a hole in the suit but she said she is a respectable lady raptor , leader of her pack; and that is simply not proper!  So now she is mad at me."
"Yeah? TS pal she told Stef and now Stef is mad  at ME seems we guys are 'unfeeling"..said Bob
"Ok so what are we gonna do?" asked Grrr. 
"Dont know" replied Bob."but we better think of something and fast. You want the wives mad at us"?
"Hey pal" Replied Grrr " I am a T Rex   not an idiot."
To be continued

BURBERRY Check One-Piece Swimsuit, Main, color, ARCHIVE BEIGE IP CHK

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