Sunday, February 25, 2018

Constitution 601 part lll

The American republic was not a nation of nobles..Some were very wealthy but it was middle class wealth and there is a difference. Among Nobles one is BORN to wealth and power, one can lose one's life but not one's birth status (Noble) So among nobles and to nobles one's word or character was all important. If Baron John gave his word to Baron Peter it had to be kept or Baron John would be seen as a oath breaker and cast out to social disgrace. Far far better to die in honor. This was NOT the case among the commons, wealth and social status could be gained or lost and cheating was almost expected. Bob owns Bill 5 sheep so Bob gives Bill 5 old sick sheep..Good for Bob bad for Bill. So to prevent that the idea of the Contract came about among the Middle Class, oh kings and nobles used them too the famed Magna Carta. But men of business lived by the Contract and they were very very exact., 5 sheep no less than 2 nor more than 5 years of 50lbs with pure pelt in good health and the contract to be enforced by the guild. Of course it was longer and more exact but that is the idea. So when the Constitution the American social contract was drawn up, it was meant to be as clear as possible as to prevent cheating. Tomorrow Balance of power

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