Monday, July 3, 2017

Constitution 101 State Governments

We have 3 levels of government in the USA and each have their own special and limited powers:
They are: A. Local B. State C. National.
Local: it was envisioned to protect the freedom of the people that most everyday political power over the lives of the people, would be at the local ( town or city stage) You would KNOW the people who were in office and the local cops etc. They would live in the community and interact. ( in brooklyn..for example Joe the cop lived down the block as did his wife and kids) There were natural social interactions that would prevent the rise of a cromwell. Of course you had rich and poor, welcome to life on earth, but the social status of Americans was not fixed as it was in Europe or Asia and one or one's family could rise or fall. Americans as was so shocking to other nations would speak their mind and while polite were not ones to bow or tug their forelock to their betters. Ya may be richer than me pal that does not make ya better..was the American attitude.

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