Monday, June 13, 2016

Grrr, Holden and Wolf at the Book store.

Grrr was on his way home from his job in the "Wellness Center" when he decided to stop into the bookstore.
He know that there were some history books his human pal Bob we looking for and " I think I will surprise the old ape." said Grrr to himself. He had  had a full day "counseling" and his boss the kindly old hadrosaur, Dr H always said reading was good for a dino.
Using his size changing ring that S/F folks had made for him on JP l,  he made himself human size and went into the book shop. As he was looking at books;  two small humans Holden and Wolff followed by their mom Beth walked up to him,  and the smaller lad, Wolff  pulled Grrr's mighty tail! Grrr's eyes flashed red as he turned his terrible T Rex head... but he give his happy Rex grin when he saw the boys and their mom.
"I am very sorry if he disturbed your reading..he loves dinos." said the mom.
"Miss Barrett?" asked Grrr "Well yes. I am Mrs Lai now..I ..Grrr?" "Yes" Grrr said with a happy ROAR!  Long time no see. Are these your nestlings?"
Holden asked " Are you a real T Rex sir? "  "Sir" replied Grrr "I am THE T-Rex"                                    "Grrr was my Class T Rex "said Beth
As they  looked at their  mom in wonder; "WOW" said Holden and Wolff
Grrr walked around the bookstore with the boys as their mom relaxed over a cup of coffee with Gretta  Flower, the hippy raptor, and Stef who had just come in.
As the group;  boys and  T-rex walked around the store Grrr told them stories and reaching into his pocket..a sort of a sort of dino fanny pack, even a T rex needs a place to carry stuff. Grrr gave the boys autographed pictures.
Holden and Wolff were very happy to make a T-Rex as a pal and Grrr was mighty pleased as well.
The boys asked if they could visit Grrr again, and Grrr replied that if they were good boys and did as their mom told them and she gave permission; he would be happy to see them at the bookstore again.

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