Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Roots of the NWO

The roots of the NWO
It has several parts. The war or post WW ll generation of Europe were shocked at the ruin all about them. recall this was "civilized" Europe in their view the very apex of humanity, knowing of Atomic weapons they feared the next war almost beyond reason. Thus the EU,
Late in WW ll it was decided among The USA, England, France, The USSR and China would run the world between them, The minor nations would be given the General assembly, as a sop but the BIG FIVE would have a permanent VETO and thus control in the Security Council..They would, it was hoped ,"jaw jaw not war war' The Cold War put a crimp but not a stop to this. The NWO would be maintained and any who used force in the old way would be seen as rogue nations or terrorists thus there would not be war against them,they were criminals but police actions.
The last is important; The USA played world police, it was needed in the late 40's as Europe was in ruins, The nations could,given time money and a US shield rebuild and provide social programs.
However..As time went on Europe and Asia rebuilt and as early as 1960 Ike was talking of Europe paying its fair share, But you see the POLS in Europe could not stay in power if they cut social programs and paid for defense.
So the dance went on. Till 2016.
Now when Trump ran for office and spoke of making NATO kick in a fair share 2% of their national budget for defense that sent the PC up the wall. The old line PC EU pols feared that if uncle sugar, did not kick in, they would have to raise tax or cut social programs and that sent shock waves among the the American PC. Who liked playing the Roman. As long as they did not have to lay in the mud themselves The entire NWO was at risk.
Of course the old commie USSR was gone and with it the Warsaw pac;..but that in the pov of the PC and the internationalists was no reason to change. The system had put them on top and any change would for them only be a lowering In short Trump was rocking the boat. So Trump has to go.
Of course from a US POV the less we gotta spend in Europe, the more we can spend at home Thus the nationalist like me yep. I am an American nationalist, like TrumpImage result for picture of the UN flag

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