Thursday, August 21, 2014

What is wrong with living in a cave?????

"What is wrong with living in a cave?"
Grrr roared.
"I was on the computer and saw that remark about caves, ya ape.
What is wrong with living in a cave... I live in a cave..all dinos live in caves!" Roared an angry Grrr and his mighty tail smacked against the ground!
Thinking quickly, Bob replied:
"True old reptile. But do you live in undecorated caves?"
"Well...uh..No You know that Gretta and Stef are always looking to fix our places up" replied Grrr.
"on that note, I heard her and Stef say that they were going for a little shopping trip down to Ikea..just for a short look and perhaps pick up some organic stuff..
I was going to ask ya to go the "the Dino lost world movie marathon" at Vlad's movie house, you know that he still makes pop corn the old way with real butter.
You know what he says. "I am dead already or undead; so what is it gonna hurt?"
I have two tickets and a gift card for the food cart, but if you would rather go to Ikea?"
"Bob..pal...human friend..buddy..old ape I would never so insult ya as to refuse!"
The two guys, Human and dino, pals again, headed off to the movies.

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