Saturday, August 12, 2017

The Wolfman's story in the movies and out..

"I was British and Hans  was German. Being gentleman, we defended our nations. As gentlemen, we could and would do nothing else. But ya see the war was over. And as it was as a gentleman that Hans came to my aid.  I was teaching languages at a small college in the States, the pay was $40 a week plus room and board so I was able to send, father would of course only take it as an aid to the family, $ 100 a month home."  "Can't  get a lot a rootbeer with that I think!" put in Grrr. "Recall the times old was about $30 an oz it is about $1200 an oz now. So you see it was not a sum to be scoffed. Still there was no pay over the summer and that is where Hans lent a hand. As both visitors to America  and veterans, we had a bit in common and in fact met in a book shop where we were both looking for books on Rom myths. I, for reasons you know, and he for research on a film he had been hired to direct. You see middle European romance  about the Rom was the I might add were German directors...Indeed poor old Hans had to shave his head and speak mit der  German accent and he  a educated  chap who spoke a perfect King's English. Oh well needs must. 
As things turned Hans needed a consultant and I had both knowledge  and experience of the area and people; so he was kind enough to offer me the very princely sum of $ 200 a week for 8 weeks work! We got to the set and things were going well when the star and the makeup man both came down with the Spanish flu that was going around and a regular plague it was. Shooting had to stop yet the equipment rental and the crews had to be paid and Han's pocket was not limitless. So I told him a tale...I was and remain, for reasons you may surmise friend Bob and Grrr, careful who I share my  uh..condition with. I told him that I had learned some Rom acting and makeup and could play the part of a wolf or at least would try. Being desperate, Hans agreed and going into a  private trailer, I turned wolf with my ring on of course. The camera liked it.  The film was finished and a nice profit had by all and so I was in films which is where I met friend Vlad.  Still after about 15 years it got routine both for me and the public. The family was now well off and My good lady Mary, who of course knew of my,,ability, agreed so she and I retired and went back to our studies. Alas, my condition seems to prolong my life but my good Mary did not want to share it and so at a young  78 passed to her fathers. 
I became lonesome for old friends and Grrr is one of the few who knows all and accepts and now I have another new friend so here I will bide a time.
Image result for picture of the wolfmanThe End.  

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