Sunday, November 30, 2014

Not vamp enough....It was the Raviol

Not vamp enough....It was the Ravioli.

Grrr said to Vlad, "Why don't we step outside for a minute?"
"If, you vish" said Vlad.
As soon as the guys were outside, Grrr looked at Vlad and said "Ok, Vlad give. What is going on?"
"Indeed,  I too, as  Flower seems involved, should like to hear your reasons."
"Since Stef is in this too Vlad, this better be good." said Bob.
"Mein friends, I do not ...."
"Busting my TV and knocking me on my tail, beating the crumpets out of Al.."said Grrr.
"Mein friends" that was not me was the ravioli!!!!"
What has Italian cuisine  to do with anything?" asked Dr. H.
"Well, last week was  'Undead week.'  That is when we children of the night have our yearly festival.
 I went to dinner with a very nice werewolf couple and it appears that the waiter made a mistake, and gave me a plate that still had traces of garlic on it.  That does not go well with Vampires. we don't like to speak of it outside der clan." Vlad looked around ashamed to meet the gaze of the other fellas.
"Not a problem, old fellow, under the rose." said Dr. H. Bob and Grrr nodded.
Reassured, Vlad said,"Well garlic has the same effect on us as liquor has on humans or sugar does on           Al Gator, I  shall apologize to Al, as I do to you all, and will replace your cape Bob and your TV. Grrr.
"That's fine, Vlad, can happen to any guy." Grrr and Dr. H nodded in gentlemanly agreement.
"But why are the girls here?"
"I had gone over to your house Bob, to return your cape, the ladies were there lamenting the lack of good movies these days, a feeling which I share, so I invited them to my movie theater to enjoy some of the classics.
 "Valk this vay."  invited Vlad.
The guys walked passed a double door into a movie palace, all gleaming marble and polished crystal... ushers in carpet and soft music.
"Vlad, I have not seen a movie house, No..a movie palace like this in 40 years."
"Thank you, Bob.  Der movie est more than a moving picture on a screen as you see in  the movie box that they call a playhouse today.  It a touch of the noble ..and so der setting must be grand."
 "I..I..had forgotten..what the movies were like. " said Grrr.."Thank you Vlad".
"You are velcome mein friends.  We have new showings twice a week, handing us lifetime passes. Please come  as my guests...Here  is a pass for Al and a friend as well."
Loading up on popcorn, soda, candy and hot dogs, the pals joined their ladies.
The End.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Not Vamp enough? Popcorn anyone?

Not Vamp Enough....Popcorn anyone?
The three guys went running down the block.  Dr. H  called a passing cab, and Bob told the driver to "step on it."  In half an hour the pals were outside 1313 Dark Ave.
 Grrr looked at the building and did not like what he saw. It was an old brownstone townhouse, but all the windows and the glass in the front door had been painted black so that not even a hint of daylight could enter.

 "This is not good." said Grrr. "It sure does not look right." said Bob,
 "I ..ah..find it deeply troublesome myself." said Dr. H.
As the three walked toward the dark and grim building, they heard the sounds of ladies crying...Sob...sob. "That is my Flower!" said Dr H. running toward the closer side door. "That is Stef!" said Bob, closing the bolt on his Mauser as he ran. "That is my Gretta." roared Grrrr raising his mighty claws as he raced with the others to the side door.
As the guys crashed  into the  large dark room, the crying got louder.

Three faces: Two dino and one human turned toward them.
 It was Stef, Gretta and Flower and they were crying!

"What is this?" roared Grrrr.."What is going on?" shouted Bob.
 "Why are you in this disturbing situation?" asked Dr. H.

Gretta said "SHHHHH!" Stef said "This is the best part!" Flower said "She is marrying the prince."

The three guys looked at each other in shock and said "Huh????"
 At last noticing the movie playing on the screen.

Just then Vlad came in carrying 4 tubs of popcorn, sodas and hot dogs.

"Vecome fellas. Vould you like some popcorn ?"

To be continued.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Not Vamp enough. The ladies in danger?? Nov 27

Not Vamp Enough.....The ladies in Danger???Barnabasteeth

As they were walking away  after Dr. H was  done talking to Bruce the Shark about Vlad.
Grrr could see that this was going to take some time to straighten out.
He knew that Gretta was not happy if he was late for dinner and more that she worried about him.
Being a mighty T-Rex. 65 feet tall with 6 inch serrated fangs, Grrr, felt it kind of nice that Gretta worried about him. He decided to call.
Gretta did not answer and the machine said to leave a massage.  "She is probably over Stef's place.' Grrr called Bob and Stef's but no answer.

"I will try her cell,"said Grrr.  Still nothing..that is odd..she always answers that."

Grrr called Bob. "Hey old ape, can you do me a favor? I am trying to get hold of Gretta..I will be late for dinner, can you go over to my cave and pass the word?"
OK", said Bob.
About 5 minutes later, Grrr's cell rang. "Hello babe", he said relived.
"It's me" said Bob. I stopped off on the way home. Gretta is not home and I found a note in my house, She, Stef and Flower have gone out to meet Vlad."!!!!!
"Vlad?" "why would they do that?, hold on perhaps Flower said something to Doc. H.'
"Doc', asked Grrr. "Did Flower say anything to you about going to meet Vlad?"
" have an understanding ..she is a free creature and does not have to tell."
"Doc, enough with the new age hippy hogwash, did she say anything about not being home ...meeting Vlad?"
"No!" said Dr. H. "Do you think that there is ..that there might be reason for concern?"
"Doc...Doc..Vlad has been acting nuts and beating the heck out of beings..what do you think?"
"O dear me...if he is going into a regressive stage...vampires do have the power to control the minds of their victims. Flower is so trusting...."
Bob heard this on the phone and said "Saddle up pals we gotta find our ladies."

To be continued.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Not Vamp Enough ..Dr. H is on the case.

Grrr went over to the "Wellness Centerto find his friend and boss Dr.H.

Dr. H, the Hadroesur, who had married Gretta's sister, Flower, the hippy raptor, was a wise old dino and trusted friend.
"Doc," Grrr said "we got a problem. Vlad has gone nuts."
"My...ah... boy", replied Dr. H, "as you are..a.. a professional counselor, one would not be unjustly remiss to expect a more exact delineation of the...ur...client's condition".
Grrr realizing that Dr. H was correct, explained what Vlad had been doing.
"Humm."  said Dr. H.  "Bob's cape? The one from Walmart?  Your TV?   fighting with Al? "
"I ...ah...I don't recall hearing that Vlad is a violent being? Indeed, I have enjoyed many games of chess and several classic movies with him and always found him a most intelligent, kind and ..ah..gentle person. Yes, let's see Bruce perhaps he can ..umm show us..that is to say throw some light on this rather odd behavior".

Not Vamp the Rescue

The three guys; Dr. H, Grrr and Bob met on the corner.

 Bob yelled, "You guys heard any thing?"
"No," replied Grrr,  "and we have to find them.  Later tonight is the full moon, that cannot be good".
"I", ahhm think that you may be a tad confused my boy." said Dr. H. "I do think that that would only apply to werewolves."
Evil_vampire : Cartoon of vampire in front of a creepry castle. The moon is in the sky"It might affect the vampires as well. We gotta find them", roared Grrr
"Agreed, said Bob, but where to start ? Dino city is a big place."
"If I were an undead, where would I go?" mused Dr. H. applying logic to the problem."
"They could have gone to a old church or tomb or graveyard?" said Bob.
"There as gotta be a couple of dozen churches in Dino city." said  Grrr with a roar.
 "Hum..perhaps this may be of assistance." said Dr. H taking out his cell phone.
"Who ya gonna  call vampire busters?" asked a worried Bob.
"What...oh..the, Flower and I ...please don't  uh   misconstrue what I am about to share.
Flower and I have perfect trust between us. Indeed a relationship, if it is to endure, must built on firm..."
"DOC", roared both Bob and Grrr, We are wasting time.  Just spit it out."
"Spit what out? I.." asked Dr. H.
"Doc. if you have an idea?".asked Bob in his "teacher voice."
"Why, yes as I was saying, dear Flower worries about me, (Grrr gave Bob a look that said I can see why.) and she had this "App" a GPS sort of thing put on our cell phones, in case one or the other of us got lost.."
Opening his phone and pushing a button. Dr.H looked up and said.."Yes, here she is 1313 Dark Ave."
"Well, call her Doc", said Bob..
"I shall! Humm, that is odd, she never turns it off if I am out...I cannot get" ..
Exchanging a look, the three guys took off  at at a run toward Dark Ave.

To be continued...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Not Vamp enough Dr H.

Not Vamp enough...Dr. H.

“Well, Bruce, you  know Vlad longer then any one any idea what is bugging him?’
Asked Grrr.
"The sensitive  artist type, that is Vlad. The business, as you should know, is full of them".
"Vlad, like a father to me, always the helping hand or encouraging word, Grrr you know what that means when your starting out.  For him, it was never a business.  A home he found in film.. a love.
Any film, any bomb or stinkeroo, he would back, "Vlad, who will buy tickets?  On a cold day You could not pay people  to sit in the seats".   I would say.
 "Bruce", he would reply  "I am undead, I may never die.   If I must live forever, let it be for art."
 In life, Grrr,  a being needs balance, where film is concerned Vlad, he is swimming with no right fin. 
We will need Dr H. Please bring him.  I will make some phone calls. As Grrr was walking off Bruce called. "Grrr mein boy...Bob or Al, they will understand?  Vlad is a good being , a  gentle being.  it is just the craft. you know. Gretta knows...they ...they won't".?? asked  Bruce with concern in his voice and tears in his eyes.
"Not to worry old friend.  Vlad is one of us. They may give him a kick in his Romanian  butt but they won't hurt him or let anyone else hurt him.  
We have to find him before he gets himself hurt." Grrr repilied.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Not Vamp Enough? Continued

Not Vamp Enough?    Continued

“Find him?” Roared an angry  Grrr. “I am going to find him alright and stomp on his undead butt”
“While not a chap who would  normally go cowboy, bit of bad form that.  Ah  have to say that the boy needs a trimming.” Agreed Al Gator.

“Look guys, I agree. But it is one thing if we kick his butt, that does not mean we want him staked.” put in Bob.
“Hate to say it, old ape, but you have a point.” Said Grrr and Al raised his tea cup in agreement.
“Question  being old boy, where do we find him and how do we help him?” asked Al.
“Bruce...” said Grrr.
“Bruce the Shark ?” asked Al
“Right, he is Vlad’s oldest friend. If any one knows where he is and what is bugging him Bruce will.” agreed  Bob.

Leaving Bob and Al to keep an eye out for Vlad, Grrr went over to see his old friend and mentor, Bruce that Shark. As you know Bruce got Grrr his start in pictures and the two beings had been fast friends ever since.

“Grrr, boy-chick hows by you?” called a pleased Bruce the Shark from his pool as he saw Grrr walk up the hill toward his rather stately home. Bruce had done very well in pictures and other investments.  known as a shark with a big heart, always ready to hold out a fin to a friend.

 “Doing well old friend.”   Replied Grrr.
“Gretta and the kids and your human friends?”
They are fine as well.” said Grrr with a smile.
“ and friends that’s your treasure.”
“Sit, eat..when I head that you were coming , brono burgers and root beer, I got.
I had coffee and donuts too but Bob I don’t see?”
“ No , he and  Al and looking for Vlad.”
“Vlad?” asked Bruce.
“Yes”, Starting with Bob’s cape and ending with Al  Grrr told Bruce what had been going on.
“You know if he gets in with the wrong sort....garlic and a stake come to mind.” said Grrr
“Oy!  Vlad is not a bad sort. I would hate to see him go to such an end.”
“So how can I help?” asked a concerned Bruce. The water in his pool getting churned up as his tail  moved back and forth in concern for his old vampire pal.
“Well, You know Vlad longer than any one, any idea what is bugging him?’
Asked Grrr.
Not Vamp enough?   part II


Bob heard a loud cry coming from Grrr’s cave followed by a clash, garbing his Mauser, he ran over to Grrr’s cave looking for burglars.
“Grrr...Gretta! “Bob called, “are you guys OK?”
Grrr was shaking his head and getting to his feet. “We are fine is  Vlad....he just went nuts.”
“Vlad? Stef said that he was over the house..that he borrowed my vampire cape, you know the one I wear on Halloween? and a lipstick from Stef.”
“Why would a real Vampire want to borrow your Walmart cape...or for that matter go ape, knock me on my tail, and bust my TV in the middle of a movie?”
A  few hours latter as Bob and Grrr  were sitting  in  "The Lair" ; Al Gator came slowly and painfully swimming up to the “LAIR” that his construction company had built for Grrr and Bob in the swamp. 
     “I say chaps any of y’all home?”  Al Gator‘s family were from what was once called British Honduras but had swam up to South Florida  looking for a better life when Al was a young gator.
“Hello Al” said Bob  “Say old fella what happened to you? You look like you went a couple of rounds with Godzilla and lost.”
“Yeah, Al, what happened?” asked Grrr
“Sorry to be a bother chaps, but could y’all give a fella a hand into the den, I must admit I am a tad poorly.” Bob and Grrr helped a battered Al into the “Lair”.                      “If I could impose on y’all for a cup of Earl Grey and a moon  pie?  That would be very decent of you.”
After helping Al to his favorite seat and and handing him his snack, Grrr asked “Give Al, what the heck happened? You been fighting with humans over a tee time again?      I told ya that golf was not safe. Those old humans( no offence Bob...None taken Grrr) go Jurassic over it.”
“Nothing, so jolly old boy. No.   I was just doing my bit for a pal don’t ya know?     Trying to help out Vlad when he went crackers ...just ape ...Went  off like Lee licking them Yankees ( no offence Bob...None taken Al) Never seen any thing like it...did not know the chap had it in him, him being such a gentleman and polite.”
“You too?” asked Grrr.

“You mean?” asked  Al
“Sure do, Vlad went ape over at my cave knocked me on my tail and busted my new TV.
Gretta is Not happy.”
“Something strange is going  on. Vlad came over to my place and borrowed my vampire cape and one of Stef’s lipsticks.” said Bob.
“Why would Vlad, a real Vampire, want to borrow a vamp Halloween cape from Walmart and ladies’ lipstick?” or attack me and Grrr?” wondered Al.
“Don’t know.” said Grrr “But we best find him before a mob with stakes and garlic does.”

To be continued

Monday, November 24, 2014

Not Vamp enough???
Bob was looking in the closet for some computer parts, when he noticed that his Halloween Vampire cape was missing. "Babe have you seen my drac cape?"
"Yes" said Stef, "No need to yell, your friend Vlad borrowed it."
"Vlad, the Vampire? " asked Bob.
How many Vlads do you know?" replied Stef.
"Wonder why a real vampire would want a Walmart vampire cape? mused Bob.
 "No idea" said Stef, "but when you see him, tell him he can keep the lipstick".
To be continued.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ve do drink...vine..

Handsome pale vampire with blue eyes drinking wine or blood, Halloween theme  Stock Photo - 5488214
Ve do drink...vine..

"So anyway Vlad, what is with the "I don't drink wine" when I see you, a vampire in good standing, enjoying the grape?." asked Grrr.
"As I said old friend, it is that darn book. People expect an accent and red eyes, bad breath and evening clothes.  Why back at the start of  my movie days, I, a real undead, could not get a bit part in a film".
 "Sorry kid, you just don't look like a vampire". "You would not believe how many time I was told that." Replied an annoyed Vlad as he took a deep drink of his Merlot....

To be continued

Ve do drink vine...said Vlad

We do drink Vine.

stock photo : Handsome vampire with glass of wine or blood, Halloween theme Vlad the vampire and Grrr the T-Rex were hanging out in the swamp.
The ladies had gone to the Mall, and Bob had lost the coin toss and had to go with them to carry stuff.
Grrr was enjoying a can of root-beer and Vlad, to Grrr’s surprise was having a glass of wine.
“Vlad, if you don’t mind my asking, since when do vampires drink wine?”
Looking up from his video game, Vlad was hooked on “panzer commander”
He said “Excuse me Grrr, I did not hear you.”
“The wine, buddy, since when did the undead drink wine?” “You know, “I never drink …vine” “.
Repeated Grrr.
“Drat!!!" Said an annoyed Vlad.
“Sorry, buddy, I did not mean to" ...said Grrr.
“No, No...Grrr it is not you . It is that darn book again.
Ever since Stoker wrote that silly tale, it has created problems for us vampires."
To be continued…

Friday, November 21, 2014

A very British Gator

Al Gator and Animal Control.

Bob woke at 4 A.M. with the sound of  Grrr banging his tail on Bob’s front door.
Half asleep with a yawn, Bob opened the door. “Pal,” he said “It is 4 o’clock, Gretta get smart and toss
you out?”  “it is not me, Buddy. It is Al Gator, he put too much sugar in his Earl Grey and
went wandering down the street again.
Some humans saw him, freaked and called the cops. So  he is back in the tank. We gotta spring him.”
“Huh,” Said Bob still trying to wake up. Grrr handed him a cup of coffee and “Yeah, he called me  from the slammer, we got to get him out before those creeps from EPA find him.  your friend Officer Martinez, the old marine, is on duty and if you ask him, he will cut Al loose and lose the paperwork.”
The two pals went down to the Animal Control station and after a few words and a box of donuts changed hands,  Al Gator was out.
“Thanks, mates.” Said Al. “Don’t know how that happened. “I was enjoying the cricket match and put a few extra lumps in me tea, decided to go see some mates, must of taken a wrong thing I know some bloody humans, no offense Bob, were yelling and some bloke roped me like a bloody cow.”
“I saw the tape buddy. You were singing “God save the Queen.” and yelling something about Bunker Hill and restoring the honor of ole England. You are lucky those humans did not turn you into  a suitcase.” replied Bob with a smile. “You got that right.” agreed Grrr.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

After the Mall

After the Mall.

Grrr, the T-Rex, Bob the human, Al Gator the gator and Vlad the Vampire were hiding out in the swamp.
The guys were looking at each other  in shell shocked  horror.

"How long do you guys think we gotta hide?" Bob asked.
"I don't know about you guys, But I am staying here till I run out of type "O" or until the Mall closes." said Vlad
"Too bloody right mate." Agreed Al Gator "it is just not safe out there".
"You got that right. I have never seen such savage fighting." said a shaken Grrr.
"Guys, I have been undead since 1915 and this makes World War one look like a love in." said Vlad.
"I am never...never...never getting in the way of a group of ladies in a "sale" counter again." said a bruised and battered Grrr. 
"Worse than the Nam." agreed Bob

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

"Little Gretta "rolled" her eyes."

 Grrr and Bob were hanging out in the swamp.
 "I don't  know if it is safe."
"Safe to do what Grrr?" Bob asked.
"Safe to go home."
"What did you do now old reptile?"
"Nothing. "replied Grrr.  Gretta and Little Gretta went to the mall yesterday to pick out some new outfits for college.
I thought that they did that last month?" asked Bob.
"They did. replied Grrr. But for some reason Gretta and LG still have to buy a ton of clothes for school."
Grrrr and Bob exchanged the Guy look and said "ladies" " as both guys nodded.
"Ok, so what has that to do with making it too dangerous to go back to your cave?"
"Their fighting." said Grrr. 
"Who?" asked Bob
"Gretta and LG. Seems that they did not agree over what clothes LG should wear and LG rolled her eyes at Gretta."
"Rolled her eyes?" said Bob.
"Yep. Answered Grrr. I don't know why but that seems to drive Gretta nuts."
I just think that it is funny." Said Bob. 
"Me too. agreed Grrr. But for some reason it drives women dino or human up the wall.
"Stef hates it too. agreed Bob.
At the New natural Organic Tea House.

"Can you imagine Stef?"  Gretta said. 
As they sat in the "New Nature Organic Tea House" over lunch.
"I spent the  whole day helping her.  I did not look at one thing for myself, and she "rolled her eyes".  That outfit was for a dino 10 years older..and she expected to wear it  to college. !!!!"
"We all tried it at her age....but that is no reason  for her to be disrespectful."
especially after you were so kind". said Stef.
" Thank you dear, replied Gretta .  But you know what really annoys me?"
"What Gretta?"   .
"Grrr....He thinks "the eye thing" as, HE puts it, is funny!!!!!!!!!"

"So does Bob." Stef said.

Stef and Gtetta gave each other the "Girl-look"  
 "Guys!"  they said as they sipped their tea.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"Things one is not wise to say to a T-Rex"


Now Grrr spent years in Cali, as T-Rex go Grrr is "mellow".
Still there are limits.
There was a nasty human called "Rocko." who moved in across the street in Dino town from Dr H.  When Rocko moved in he turned his garage into a low rent music room. Rocko got some amps a set of drums, he did not bother with sound proofing  and proceeded to annoy his neighbors.
Dr. H, the kindly old Hadrosaur, went over to speak to Rocko after one 12 hour "concert."
Once, Rocko was sure that Dr. H was a grass eater, he told him to "Bug off...dino breath...bite me." Seeking advice, the next day at work in the Wellness Center Dr.H  asked Grrr his opinion as they sat over lunch. "let me have a word with him." said Grrr.
Next time the "concert " went a bit long, Grrr went over for a neighborly chat.
Knocking on Rocko's garage door with his mighty tail, Grrr got no answer, just louder and louder very bad drumming.
So, being Grrr, he knocked a bit harder...the door shook. 
"&&(*((&*  dino breath, I told you to bug off...If I have to come out there you little leaf eating))(*^%$." 
Screamed Rocko 
Grrr  just knocked harder.
The garage opened with a bang, and Rocko came out with a stick in his hand.
"Bite me dino breath" he yelled.
 When  he saw not a harmless old Hadrosaur, but a very large t-rex. He turned a sickly white. 
"What did you just say?" asked Grrr with an evil T- Rex grin.
"I...I...I said bite...bite me..." replied Rocko.
"Ok" said Grrr and he did.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Cake Plot ...part ll

Grrr, the T Rex and his human friend Bob had just come back from their run.
Grrr had shrunk himself down to human size so that the two pals could hang out more easily.
 As they were sitting down relaxing, Grrr’s nose begin to twitch, he said "Bob you smell what I smell?" Taking a few smells himself, Bob said "I sure do old reptile, I smell chocolate cake!"
 The two friends headed into the  kitchen. Stef, the human, Bob's wife and Gretta, the raptor, Grrr’s wife was sitting together over cups of organic tea and a piece of delicious chocolate cake.
 "Hey ladies" , said Grrr,  "What are you doing?"

"Oh", said Stef in an innocent voice, "Gretta, and I are just enjoying this wonderful piece of chocolate cake we are watching our diet so we only had one piece which we shared together."
"True", said Gretta," We have to watch our shape. Right Stef?"
 "Oh no, you look great. You're the best looking raptor on the whole block!" Said, Grrr,
"That goes for you too babe ." said Bob. " you look great."
 "Why thank you boys."  said the girls with a smile.
"Ah. You ladies don't have any more of  that cake do you?" Asked Bob.
 "Oh no, but you boys are welcome finish up what's left." Said Stef.
 Bob looked at Grrr and said " We can't be so impolite as to refuse old reptile."
 With that the two guys set forth to clean the plate.
"Wow", said Grrr "That is the best cake I've had in a while."
"I agree."  said Bob. "
"Yes it is good."  said Stef," and it was on sale, we were able  get that big piece of cake for only two dollars."
" There is a new cake store at the mall." said Gretta.
"You know", said Bob,  "Grrr and I were thinking of going down to the Mall to pick up some books.  you ladies wouldn't mind showing us where this shop  is, would you?"
 The two wives looked at each other and Stef, said "Well, we don't know.
We just came back from shopping we are kind of tired. You guys hate the mall after all."
"No, oh no, we love the MALL, don't we  Grrr?"
 "Yeah Bob, we were thinking of going down there again today"
 "Well" said Gretta,"I guess it wouldn't hurt to make one more trip to make you guys happy".

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Cake plot.

The Cake plot.


"We have to get the boys to the mall." Gretta said to Stef.
"I know, but you know how they is like pulling teeth, Bob hates shopping." 
"The same with Grrr," Gretta said with a sigh.
"Still, you know what a chore it
 is to get things for them and then have to return them."
"I do." said Stef.. "Gretta dear, this calls for the "Cake move.""
"You are right Stef, a wife has to do what a wife has to do."... 

Grrr and Bob were sitting around the shop enjoying coffee and root-beer and shooting the breeze.

"Sure glad we got that shopping over." said Grrr   " it took a whole half a hour."
"Yap, It seemed a lot longer." replied Bob. "I hate the Mall". 
"True, I cannot see why the girls like it." said Grrr.
"It is a Girl thing that we  guys  were not meant to understand pal." answered Bob.
"Won't get us back there." Said Bob
"Nope.' replied Grrr as he took a drink of rootbeer.

to be continued....

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Eating the neighbors
As he was looking at the "Dino Report", with his morning root-beer, Grrr noticed that
they were finding bits of people all over town; an arm here..a leg there...a head or two.
"Babe, you have a second?" he asked Gretta.
"Now babe" Grrr said, "you remember that we picked a human/dino retirement community so we could stay near Bob and Stef?.  How we said that we would miss them and you said that you feel Stef is your best friend? You know we talked about not preying on the other humans? That Bob and Stef would not be  comfortable with that and might even see it as bad manners, if we tear the other humans to bits without good reason?"
"Of course" said Gretta, "Stef is my sister, and you and Bob are always getting into trouble together.   Remember when you and Bob made that hang glider and landed in the swamp? Stef and I told you guys but".
"Babe" Grrr said "This is about the parts of humans that they have been finding;  a head by the pool... a few arms and legs outside Wally's World.  Kid, love ya, but if we are going to have our cave around humans, you cannot tear them makes the other humans nervous."
"Oh That ?" Grrry don't be silly. Those were bad humans. As we were coming out of the Mall, they had a fine collection of shoes and Stef found the nicest pair with..."
 "Babe, the human parts?" Grrr said.

"I was getting to that, there was this group of old humans in front of us and some bad humans  ran  up and grabbed their handbags and were hitting the old humans." Gretta  said " I told them to stop, but they yelled bad words and tried to hit me. I had to defend myself and Stef  jumped in by my side. We could not stand by and let those bullies rob and hurt  those nice old people.  Is it my fault, dear, if those bad humans just sort of  came apart?" Gretta said with an innocent look and an appealing smile.