Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Background to the Constitution

Since the fall of Rome in the West about 450 AD;  life for people in many cases became very uncertain. Plague, war, famine, fire and flood.
We may thing a barbarian movie is cool, But they lived in one. It was not until about 800 AD with Charlemagne  that things seemed to get better.but  than he died and we got the Vikings for 200 years, than the Norman.  England  from about 400  had the Pict and Anglo Saxons, than the Normans, oh  and the plague  Think we got a problem now the Black Death took out 33% of Europe.
People just wanted order.and the ONLY way it seemed to prevent endless fighting  was to have a sure way of knowing who  was who and for about 1500 years  the best way to know that was  seem to be birth. So we had the class system. You were born in your class and in most cases died in your class
Religion was a factor as it helped to keep order , God would punish those too evil and God would have you born into the class he wanted you in.
Even today in Europe the class system is a very real thing. Make a joke about the prince or Queen to an Englishman and you will I think find that he does not see the humor! Here too in the USA we have those who think that they are elite..the new aristocrats.
Tomorrow the new world  

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