Friday, June 23, 2017


Grrr. Jr. problems.

Grrr jr.
Came into the cave and he did not look happy.
"What is the matter son?" Grrr asked giving his son a fatherly smack with his tail.
"I just got a letter saying that the rates on my bike are going up and Mr. Bronto said that he may have to cut back at the shop as business is not good and Rexy...
"I am not sure that I want to growup, pop. All I have is problems."
"Son, as to growing up, not a lot you can do about that. As to problems, well you can act like a Rex or a grass eater."
"I am a Rex dad, but well, I guess I need advice?"
"Son, that I can do." Handing his son a can of root beer, he said "The thing with problems is that you have to figure which are the most important and then do what you can to fix them in order of importance. Which is first?" asked Grrr
Jr. replied "Well, I would say Rexy."
"Son, Ladies always "say what ever you want to do", thinking that it is the same thing that they want to do. So, she finds the game boring and you hate figure skating. Ok, what do you both like?"
"Eating ice cream, going for long rides on the movies..even some of her vampire movies are good." said Jr, his tail starting to bang the ground in happy understanding.
So, what will you ask her to do tomorrow? Grrr asked
"Well, we could ride to the mall and see the new zombie vampire fights the werewolf raptors movie and get some ice cream. But pop, even ice cream is expansive, the last time it was 8 bucks! Not that I mind, I like being with Rexy and she does offer to pay and some times I let her, but it does not feel right and now with the cost of the tags and gas and Mr. Bronto talking about laying dinos off."
"Can't do much about the price of gas, that old bike needs high oct to run right as to the tags, that is out of our claws, at least till the next election. But Mr. Bronto..." said Grrr
"Pop, Mr. Bronto is a good dino and works like a hungry rex eats but."
"Son, Mr. Bronto loves that shop and he does not want to close so what you have to do is make yourself that last guy he wants to fire and keep eye open for a way to a honest buck..
"But how Pop?" asked Jr.."That sounds good pop. but how?' 
"Learn new things. I can show you how to really take a bike apart and repair one.
Mr. Bronto fixes bikes or upgrades them." Grrr said.
"But pop, Mr. Bronto said the business was slow and.."
"Son, You done anything to my old bike since I gave it to you?"
"Dad, you said it was ok..I..." Jr. replied.
"Not angry son. Just asking." Grrr said with a rex grin.
"Well....I did sorta bore it out and kinda worked on the motor...." Jr replied.
"How long did that take and how much did you spend?
"I don't know. A couple of days and than a month's pay..but Pop, it runs great and looks cool..Rexy loves it."
"Do anything with the timing and the stoke? How about the gears?
"I don't know how to do that yet pop.."
"I do." replied Grrr. Want to learn?
"Roar yes" replied Jr.
"Think about this son. You said the Mr. Bronto has back orders for upgrades and repairs. I think that you would not only keep your job but you will get a raise if you can do a lot of that for him.

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