Monday, November 26, 2012

Grrr's Hatching day

Dinosaur birthday cakeGrrr woke up this morning and Gretta smiled and said "Happy hatching day" Gerry."
She had made him his favorite, a breakfast of bronto-burgers,  pancakes and root beer.
Later that day, Bob and Stef came over took Grrr and Gretta out to the movies and dinner.
Bob looked over at Grrr and said "Pal, I went to the .99 cent store for your gift, but they were all out, so we had to settle for this." handing Grrr a little box.
"Gee thanks ya ole ape" said  Grrr.
Opening the box Grrr saw a life time pass to "Jurassic Park" his and Gretta's favorite vacation spot on earth.

"Have a wonderful a dino time" said a smiling Bob and Stef, to a speechless with joy Grrr and Gretta.

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