Monday, October 7, 2024

Religion in the USA

 As a rule the men who went to battle in 1776 knew the odds favored England. England had more ships,money,trained men and guns than the Americans,yes I know France helped, but the men of 76 did not know that.

They believed their goal was just and they had the right  given to them by God to self government.

It is only belief in that right( and the Second amendment)  that keeps us free.

If all there is IS would be a fool not to submit and be a live slave.

THEY  have troops, cops, Feds..etc ..You got you.

But if you believe as the founders did in born rights, and a after life as a reward ,you cannot be defeated only killed. That as George lll found out makes you VERY hard to stop.

That scares the heck out of the would be nobles

Fee or free election

 I am confused. If Mr Biden is in a mental state where he cannot run for reelection as he told us time and again he  was  going to, why is Mr Biden still in charge of our Atomic weapons and still sitting in 1600?

We were told that we would be given a vote at the DEM convention  Yet, we were given Harris.

Harris who won not one delegate,,was made border CZAR ( yes we remember) and let millions in.

Now I like honest new chums,but we do have laws. 

You know the things YOU go to the Pen for breaking  but it seems favored pols dont.

Back to the we have an appointed person not a voted for one, running for president?

This used to be a Constitutional   Republic...that WAS nice.

I would prefer Dr, Keyes  or Sen.Paul  but if we must have Harris or Trump.  

I take Trump any day.

Grrr's Cave:  How to read.Many people, even some teachers think...

How to read.

Many people, even some teachers, think that they know how to read.
They don’t.
What many have learned is how to scan. Scanning or speed reading is not bad as a extra skill it allows you to cover a lot of pages fast, which may be OK for a novel, but is not good for a political speech or a history book where every word has meaning.
Perhaps the smartest Prof I ever knew had the habit of keeping note paper in his books and writing down words new to him.
He told me of “Course it is better to look the words up at the time, but one may not have a good dictionary to hand and this is far better than remaining ignorant .” He, by the way spoke at least 5 tongues and was a language Professor of the Old School.
That habit will also will lead to careful listening which is a required skill for a voter in a free Republic like ours.
Example? Sure. Vote for me and I will work for a better world. Look at the word “better” what does that pol mean by better? Why what ever you think he means.
In other words ,,,,the pol is saying trust me….