Sunday, December 30, 2018

Your turn kid

Our parents took care of the Nazis and Japs!
We took care of the commies.
You kids gotta take care of the PC

We are retired. : )

if ya

If ya dont want people reading it       
Dont write it.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

As a wise hippy once told me.

 As an old hippy told me..They are trying to zap ya with the impossible taken to god like profection of your ideals while their ideal is only power

Friday, December 28, 2018


Read what was said..NOT what people told ya was said.

Truth takes courage

Speaking and acting in truth takes courage. Any fool can figure out what is safe to say.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Learning may not

Learning may not always be good for the ego  BUT it is  always  good for the brain

Now hear this!

Now hear this:
Only whites can be racist
Only white men can be sexest
That is all.
PC Bob reporting

Read and Check

Read and check what you are told.
 Even if the person is not lying for some reason, they may be wrong. 
For years I understood that Gandhi was shot by a Muslum.
It  turned out a fellow Hindoo shot him.
Double check.   Especially if you are a teacher.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

You made yourself a "soyboy" So??

You made yourself a soyboy,
as the song said she cannot take ya anywhere you dont already know how to get too.
If you dont like it....change it.

Peresident Trump is NOT a party man simple

President Trump is easy to understand IF you realize that he is NOT a party man neither Dem or GOP.  He has both liberal and consertive views  like most of us do.   Simple 


Wisdom is KNOWING that you have made a mistake and had the wit to STOP doing it.