Thursday, May 26, 2016

They sort of jumped on my plate...part ll

"Not your fault? They held a mauser to ya head to make ya stuff ya face or jumped onto ya plate?" Bob asked
"In point of fact, old ape, that is just what they did! Well almost."
"Someone held a mauser to your head?" asked Bob.
"No..they sort of jumped on my plate...." Replied Grrr
As the two old pal walked Bob looked at his T Rex pal and raised his eyebrow. Yep Bob had  watched Spock as a kid.
"Hey!" Don't give that TV guy look! Ya cousin to a baboon! It is the truth!" Roared Grrr!
Stopping at Dino inn for a root beer and coffee, as soon as the guys found chairs and their drinks and donuts, Bob said "Ok pal give. What happened in Hollywood?

To be continuedImage result for picture of a tied T rex

"They sort of jumped on my plate"

Grrr put on a few lbs...
Grrr had just returned from Hollywood. He and Gretta, once as you know A list actors, before retiring to become clas dinos, had gone back to visit old friends.....Bob and Grrr were on a morning walk..not a run today.
""Hey pal, ya got fat ;is that why ya gave up running?" asked Bob
"Ok, so I put on a few lbs Hollywood parties...not my fault!" replied an annoyed T Rex 
"Not your fault? They held a mauser to ya head to make ya stuff ya face or jumped onto ya plate?" Bor asked
"In point of fact, old ape, that is just what they did! Well almost."
"Someone held a mauser to your head?" asked Bob.
"No..they sort of jumped on my plate...." Replied Grrr
To be continued

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ommmmmm...Ommmmm Mellow Rex

"Ya think I need a Tibetan temple bell?" asked Bob "I mean, if we are gonna redo 1968 with the protests and all?"
"I got two. You can take your pick ole ape". Grrr said
."I did not let them years in Hollywood go to waste ya know..
.Of course, I did eat the guru but he did tell to let it all hang out.." Replied a meditative  Grrr
Bob and Grrr sitting in lotus and ringing  the tibetan temple bells and chanting "Ommmmm..
O mmmmm..."