Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Christmas Dino part ll

At about 8 pm that night , Grrr heard a knock on the door of his cave.  KNOCK-KNOCK..looking up from the TV Grrr called Gretta and said "Babe I think Bob and Stef are here."
Knock- Knock..she did not seem to hear so he called her again
"Babe?" "Grrry get the door I have finish up" Replied Gretta.
Grrr got up and opened the door. With a big T Rex grin he welcomed Stet. "Welcome Stef! Gretta is in the bedroom doing some girl stuff. Go on in." To Bob he said "Hey ya bum! Whata got tied to the roof of the Car?" "Give me a hand or in your case a claw,  ya rotten reptile and I will show ya." T
he two guys got the thing off the roof of the car and into Grrr's cave and unwrapped a big green Christmas tree.
Grrr and Gretta's faces lit up with happiness!  " it that for us?" Grrr asked
"Yep we knew that you would be working in the Wellness Center all day so well We figured that you would need a Tree" replied Bob. "Yes" and some gifts to put under it. With Jr away in Hollywood and Little Gretta in college, well we did not want you to feel alone." said Stef.   The wives hugged and the guys touched hand to claw; the guys got the tree up and dressed it  as the ladies got the food out.
Grrr said to Bob as the wives were in the kitchen; "Thanks pal. I would have been ok with out it but Gretta misses the kids alot." At the same time Gretta was telling Stef; "Thank you sister. Grrr would NEVER say it. He thinks that he has to be the tough T-Rex but he misses the kids a lot.  I do as well of course. This makes Christmas..well Christmas."
The Tree was up and the four friends were sitting in front of the fire place.talking when the phone rang.
"Let it ring babe, it is just the office or some pain in the neck sales call!" said Grrr.
"But Grrey it may be the kids." Gretta replied as she picked the phone.
"Hello..yes..oh I am so sorry..yes  hold on  I will ask him.".
"What ever it is the answer is NO!" roared Grrr. I worked all week and my pal is here and we are gonna watch "Lost world!" Tell the bum who ever it is to ....."Looking at the ladies, Grrr said' "Uh tell them I politely decline! Not even the return of the Meteor is gonna get me off this chair!!"
"Grrry, that is the Christmas Dino. He is at the dino town airport. He had engine trouble and hurt his hand. The  motor on the sled is fixed but  If you cannot help him, half the kids will have no Christmas gifts!" said Gretta.
"Putting down his root-beer Grrr replied with a ROAR. THAT is  a different story! The kids gotta have Christmas. Running out to the garage and kicking his old motor bike into life Grrr roared " Enjoy the food guys  and dont wait up ..HO  HO  HO  Merry Christmas "  as he rode into the night!
So if you hear a bump on your roof and see a MIGHTY T-REX in your house tonight have no is Santa Grrr!!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Christmas Dino

The Christmas Dino roars again.
Grrr got home from his office at the "Wellness Center" where he practices as a councilor. "Hey babe..I am home " roared Grrr as he grabbed a cold rootbeer and dropped like a rock in front of his TV."I am extinct Babe! All the nuts come to the Center this time of year and the meetings and the paperwork..I tell you it is worse than the Jurassic !!! . Reaching for the TV clicker, Grrr asked; "What have we got for dinner? I hope it is good after the day I had..."
"Poor dear" said Gretta handing him another cold rootbeer.
"We have your favorite brono burgers and fries. Bob and Stef will be over at 8. Stef and I have some last minute shopping to plan and Bob said something about finding a lost world movie on DVD." "Thanks babe. Things are looking up. I have not seen that movie since the 50's. Bob said he would find us a copy and it looks like the ole ape did. I tell babe, I am off till Monday and nothing is getting me out of this cave".. To be continuedf

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Stef and Gretta wanted their homes painted.
Stef and Gretta were sitting over a cup of organic tea, made with distilled water of course, and talking of painting their homes with low voc organic paint in "warm" colors when Grrr and Bob came in.
"Hey babe. what are you ladies talking about?" asked Bob to Stef.
"We think that it would be nice to paint our houses" replied Stef.
"Yes, something natural and warm." put in Gretta.
Grrr looked at Bob and said "Ok no problem. Bob and I will head to the paint store." "Sure." agreed Bob. "What do you ladies think of green?"
Gretta and Stef exchanged the "Wife look" "Today is the day that they are having the Jurassic park movie marathon and discount popcorn at Vlad's movie palace?" asked Gretta. "Yes" Agreed Stef. "We know that you boys have been looking forward to that all year . We will just call the painter." "If you girls dont mind?" asked Bob As Grrr and Bob ran to the door.
"Good thinking" said Stef to Gretta. "Lets get the rollers and brushes.' "Yes when the boys, bless their kind hearts paint, it takes us days to clean up!" replied Gretta.