Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Christmas Dino part ll

At about 8 pm that night , Grrr heard a knock on the door of his cave.  KNOCK-KNOCK..looking up from the TV Grrr called Gretta and said "Babe I think Bob and Stef are here."
Knock- Knock..she did not seem to hear so he called her again
"Babe?" "Grrry get the door I have finish up" Replied Gretta.
Grrr got up and opened the door. With a big T Rex grin he welcomed Stet. "Welcome Stef! Gretta is in the bedroom doing some girl stuff. Go on in." To Bob he said "Hey ya bum! Whata got tied to the roof of the Car?" "Give me a hand or in your case a claw,  ya rotten reptile and I will show ya." T
he two guys got the thing off the roof of the car and into Grrr's cave and unwrapped a big green Christmas tree.
Grrr and Gretta's faces lit up with happiness!  " it that for us?" Grrr asked
"Yep we knew that you would be working in the Wellness Center all day so well We figured that you would need a Tree" replied Bob. "Yes" and some gifts to put under it. With Jr away in Hollywood and Little Gretta in college, well we did not want you to feel alone." said Stef.   The wives hugged and the guys touched hand to claw; the guys got the tree up and dressed it  as the ladies got the food out.
Grrr said to Bob as the wives were in the kitchen; "Thanks pal. I would have been ok with out it but Gretta misses the kids alot." At the same time Gretta was telling Stef; "Thank you sister. Grrr would NEVER say it. He thinks that he has to be the tough T-Rex but he misses the kids a lot.  I do as well of course. This makes Christmas..well Christmas."
The Tree was up and the four friends were sitting in front of the fire place.talking when the phone rang.
"Let it ring babe, it is just the office or some pain in the neck sales call!" said Grrr.
"But Grrey it may be the kids." Gretta replied as she picked the phone.
"Hello..yes..oh I am so sorry..yes  hold on  I will ask him.".
"What ever it is the answer is NO!" roared Grrr. I worked all week and my pal is here and we are gonna watch "Lost world!" Tell the bum who ever it is to ....."Looking at the ladies, Grrr said' "Uh tell them I politely decline! Not even the return of the Meteor is gonna get me off this chair!!"
"Grrry, that is the Christmas Dino. He is at the dino town airport. He had engine trouble and hurt his hand. The  motor on the sled is fixed but  If you cannot help him, half the kids will have no Christmas gifts!" said Gretta.
"Putting down his root-beer Grrr replied with a ROAR. THAT is  a different story! The kids gotta have Christmas. Running out to the garage and kicking his old motor bike into life Grrr roared " Enjoy the food guys  and dont wait up ..HO  HO  HO  Merry Christmas "  as he rode into the night!
So if you hear a bump on your roof and see a MIGHTY T-REX in your house tonight have no is Santa Grrr!!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Christmas Dino

The Christmas Dino roars again.
Grrr got home from his office at the "Wellness Center" where he practices as a councilor. "Hey babe..I am home " roared Grrr as he grabbed a cold rootbeer and dropped like a rock in front of his TV."I am extinct Babe! All the nuts come to the Center this time of year and the meetings and the paperwork..I tell you it is worse than the Jurassic !!! . Reaching for the TV clicker, Grrr asked; "What have we got for dinner? I hope it is good after the day I had..."
"Poor dear" said Gretta handing him another cold rootbeer.
"We have your favorite brono burgers and fries. Bob and Stef will be over at 8. Stef and I have some last minute shopping to plan and Bob said something about finding a lost world movie on DVD." "Thanks babe. Things are looking up. I have not seen that movie since the 50's. Bob said he would find us a copy and it looks like the ole ape did. I tell babe, I am off till Monday and nothing is getting me out of this cave".. To be continuedf

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Stef and Gretta wanted their homes painted.
Stef and Gretta were sitting over a cup of organic tea, made with distilled water of course, and talking of painting their homes with low voc organic paint in "warm" colors when Grrr and Bob came in.
"Hey babe. what are you ladies talking about?" asked Bob to Stef.
"We think that it would be nice to paint our houses" replied Stef.
"Yes, something natural and warm." put in Gretta.
Grrr looked at Bob and said "Ok no problem. Bob and I will head to the paint store." "Sure." agreed Bob. "What do you ladies think of green?"
Gretta and Stef exchanged the "Wife look" "Today is the day that they are having the Jurassic park movie marathon and discount popcorn at Vlad's movie palace?" asked Gretta. "Yes" Agreed Stef. "We know that you boys have been looking forward to that all year . We will just call the painter." "If you girls dont mind?" asked Bob As Grrr and Bob ran to the door.
"Good thinking" said Stef to Gretta. "Lets get the rollers and brushes.' "Yes when the boys, bless their kind hearts paint, it takes us days to clean up!" replied Gretta.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hey pal you hit Lotto or what?

Bob went over to Grrr's cave, to find Grrr sitting on a new recliner watching a 120 in HD TV with surround sound and ALL the stations; He had a root beer kegerator  and handcrafted rootbeer mug. "Hey ya bum" Bob asked "You hit the lotto or what?" Handing Bob a mug of excellent coffee and a box of donuts and Pointing to a huge stack of ammo, a smart car, a couple of rifles.. a coffee maker and a crate of coffee and handing Bob a gift card for the history book store Grrr said " Hiya pal, I got you some stuff too. And I set up charge accounts for Stef and Gretta at their favorite malls"
"What gives, did you hit the Lotto or go back to acting?" 
"Nothing like that. I got a new part time gig on the NET..The loot is rolling in. In fact, I could use a colleague 50/50 old ape?" 
" Before I agree, what is it? I remember the time you talked me into the exchange dino program.. that dino from China, only he was a dragon and burned the house down.." said Bob 
"Naw. Nothing like that. In fact this is a human gig, They dont even know I am a rex. it is all done by the be continued.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

WWWWWhen I was a little bitty T Rex.. part 3

"I don't rightly know old boy but  judging by the sound it cannot be good." replied Al.
Walking into the kitchen where Gretta was having breakfast with Stef.
"Gretta, Al tells me that he thinks something is wrong with Grrr?"
Looking up with a look of concern,  Grettta replied. "So far as i know Bob, he is fine, he was listening to his CDs and...Oh MY!"
to be continuedImage result for picture of a worried raptor dinosaur

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

WWWWWhen I was a little bitty T Rex........................

Grrr was sitting in den in the swamp when Al Gator swam by. After listening for a minute Al rushed over  to Bob's house.
AL was a friend of Grrr and Bob. Al was a gator from a Belize family that had swam to Florida about 100 years ago to start a new life. His family  kept many of the old ways and run a construction company, it fact it was Al who built the Den in the Swamp and later  became an honored member.
"I say old boy. I do think that Grrr is a mite poorly..that ole boy sounds a bit around the bend." said a concerned Al.
Putting down his book, a history of the Middle Ages"
Bob handed Al a cup of English Breakfast tea and some homemade bread. After giving Al a minute to start his snack, Bob asked "What is the matter with the old reptile? He seemed ok when last I saw him??"
"I dont rightly know old boy but  judging by the sound it cannot be good."

To be continued.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

If you are between 20 and 35 you NEED Trump.

Want a good job with benefits? look at history.
From 1945 till about 1965 Asia and Europe were still smashed flat from WW ll America was not. Good for your grandparents..lifetime jobs and no mistake. Free trade was good for them almost anything the world needed from food to tools had to come from the USA. To call something "made in japan" was to insult it as being cheap junk. By 65 that started to change, the Japanese built small but sold.products and sold cheap and, as there was no longer protectionist trade laws left in the USA Japan flooded the market with transistor radios. then TVs. and motor bikes and cars It worked. It was not "Samurai management " it was lower price! In fact TVs so far as I know are no longer made here. So long jobs. Same with other products Now some of that was our fault, we let the quality of our products decline both labor and management take the blame, but 95% was PRICE. Europe and Asia undersold us. From the 70's till about 2000, we had a lock on computers and tech..The "Third Wave" that is gone as well. Not only are the computers made over seas but the H1-b Visa brings in cheap labor. in Asia $200 a month is called a good paycheck perhaps $300 a month in Mexico.
If a well trained guy or gal from India will do your job for 30k and you want 100k you are OUT and he or she is in. They want that Visa ,and unlike an American, who demand his or her rights, they will work 24/7 and follow orders to keep it!!! It is the new indentured servitude
Trump understands this and says that he will restore protectionist policy to reclaim American jobs.
.i am old and retired, But YOU ARE NOT!
You NEED TRUMP in 16. or it is the welfare line for you in 20

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Rug lv

"Pal, this is no time to check your e-mail we gotta..." roared Grrr
"man, am I glad we kicked in for the internet bundle ..I..." said  Bob
"What are ya doing? we gotta.." repeated Grrr.
"Look pal. if the girls are going shopping for new rugs, they are going shopping for new rugs. you want to tell Gretta that she cannot buy a couple of rugs?" 
"Well..ur..No I mean we can afford it and but the MALL!!!!" growled Grrr.
"Same here old reptile. So we gotta be smart. Look the rug store has an internet SALE and they can go to the store and you know how they like to look and feel stuff before they buy it and the store will also install and deliver FREE! You know how our ladies are about bargains!" 
smiling a big T-Rex grin..."Old Ape you are a genius!"
"Yep, when it comes down to it ya gotta love the net!" replied Bob

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Rugs lll

    "You  know what that mall is like and ..they don't even have a bookstore to hide in." Grrr said  As the two pals hid in their den in the swamp.
"Pal you know the girls when they are on the hunt." replied Bob. "I have seen Gretta shop, she is a pro and Stef, she may be a human, but she has raptor blood when it comes to the MALL. They got their own pack and no mistake."
"Yeah, and unless we think of something, we are for it. You know we cannot let them lug rugs around and you know that they will."
"True, I have seen them pack stuff into the car that weighted more than they do!" replied Bob "I..I got it Toss me the laptop..." said Bob.
"Pal, this is no time to check your e-mail we gotta....'
To be continued

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Rugs part ll

"You thinking what I am thinking pal?" "Mall? asked Bob  
Yes!" replied Grrr.
The two guys ran for their den in the swamp.
Looking at Bob  Grrr said"Pal we gotta do something or you know what awaits us !"
"Yeah, the rug store and the MALL!!!" gasped Bob.
"We gotta go we cannot let the girls carry rugs and ya know we do!
We gotta think we cannot hide out here forever!"  whispered Grrr.

To be continued

Monday, October 19, 2015


Grrr and Bob were out walking to the snack bar when Grrr said. " you know old ape that bath was not a bad idea, gotta say you monkey people do get things right sometimes." "What do ya mean sometime you overgrown cousin to kermit the frog? who invented root beer?" Replied Bob.
"Yeah well." said Grrr. "You know I heard the girls talking about the rugs something about them getting old." " Stef was saying the same thing.  We only had them for about 10 years! " Replied Bob. "yeah, us too!" said Grrr.
"You thinking what I am thinking pal?" "Mall? asked Bob  
Yes!" replied Grrr.
The two guys ran for their den in the swamp.
To be continued

Sunday, October 18, 2015

of course war!

Why not go to war to protect what you need?
Securing or protecting things like food ..water...coal or oil ARE why people have always gone to war. The idea that only "moral" grounds justify war is non historical and plain foolish.
So if the dollar is backed by oil sold by the Saudi or anyone else of course the USA will go to war to defend it. Grow up!!
The Commies and NWO types KNOW and understand this. They just hope we are too stupid to understand it. Gad,,,GROW UP!!!! If I had all the water in the town and would NOT let your family have any becouse you could not afford to pay a 100 buck a gallon, are you coming to fight me and get some or let your family die?

Bed bath and a roar!

Grrr came in from his run hot and tired. Gretta said "Grrry you look tired. Poor dear I will run a nice hot bath for you in our new tub." "Tub! I don't need a tub that is a human thing! Ok for Bob and Stef but we are dinos and....." 
"Please Grrry just for me?" asked Gretta. One look at her big green eyes and Grrr's mighty heart melted. "Ok Babe but just this once." Replied Grrr as he stepped into the Hot tub; slowly the angry look on Grrr's face turned into a smile. "Hey! You know babe, this is not bad. It is like having our very own hot lake. You know like the ones by the volcano! You done good babe!" 
"Thank you dear" replied Gretta as she handed him a rootbeer. "Now Grrry about the new rugs...." smile emoticon

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Bed bath and a roar .... Vll

"She is not what she brought ..well it is but it is just un-dino...I mean it is ok for you humans if you like that sort of thing but we dino? For millions of years..I mean ? "Well" asked Bob did ya tell her to send it back?" 
"Pal, you remember how Stef took care of you when you were in the hospital? Well Gretta did the same for me when I hurt my tail. She ..She..just looked ss happy when they started installing..I.. go ahead and laugh.!"replied Grrr
"Not me pal, we are both lucky in our mates and if they do strange stuff from time to time..well .." said Bob. "yep" said Grrr "yep" said Grrr as the two guys headed home. I need a shower" "I always said ya stink" replied Grrr with an big t rex grin. "So what did Gretta buy"? Bob asked Stef when he got home. "She brought the nicest bathroom, shower and hot tub and all marble! It is human size but with their size changing ring and necklaces that the F/X people gave them when they were in the movies, that is no problem. I have ordered a nice set for us the plumber is installing it now".

Friday, October 16, 2015

Bed bath and a roar! part Vl

. After about 2 miles, Grrr said " Time out old ape?" Puff Puff " Yep I think we are getting old pal!" replied Bob as he dropped into the bench by Grrr and the guys shared a Gator-aid.....
"So what did she buy pal?' asked Bob.
"She is not what she brought ..well it is but it is just un-dino...I mean it is ok for you humans if you like that sort of thing but we dino? For millions of years..I mean ????????
To be continued.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

"Bed Bath and a Roar" part

..."Well, I wont blame Stef, she is nice to me unlike some apes I know!" replied Grrr " .. "Nice to ya...some apes ya know!" yelled Bob "Who is nicer to ya you rotten reptile than me?' 
"Yeah? Who calls me a "rotten reptial, Ya ape"
"Who calls me an 'Ape'" replied Bob 
The two pals started to yell and chase each other around the block. After about 2 miles, Grrr said " Time out old ape?" Puff Puff " Yep I think we are getting old pal!" replied Bob as he dropped into the bench by Grrr and the guys shared a Gator-aid...
To be continued

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bed bath and a roar! iv

"Make me??MAKE ME? you human guys may be wimps controlled by your mates but not us REX! I RULE my cave with a iron claw! Why the very idea".Roared Grrr. "ya done?" asked Bob. "You want to tell me now what she brought  or wait till we finish the run?" ' was all, well, I wont blame Stef, she is nice to me unlike some apes I know!" replied Grrr " But if humans had not invented that stupid stuff.." to be continued.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Bed Bath and a Roar! part lll

"Ok-ok so you did a few things right! But did ya have the brains to stop while ya were ahead? NO! You humans just don't know when to quit!" puffed Grrr in reply
As the guys ran around the block, Bob replied; "Alright ya bum. What is on what we laughing call ya mind?"
"Gretta and Stef went to the mall!" replied an angry Grrr.
"This is news? They are always going to the Mall together! Oh! I get it. What did Gretta buy or make you DO that you do not like?'
"Make me??MAKE ME? you human guys may be wimps controlled by your mates but not us REX! I RULE my cave with a iron claw! Why the very idea"...To be continued

Monday, October 12, 2015

What's your opinion of Columbus Day?

  • Comments
    • Robert Robertson I think it a fine thing. If not for Chis I would still be sitting on a hill in Scotland wearing a kilt. In point of fact ..without him. had there been no USA, this post would be in German and Hitler's grandson would rule the world. Something that folks seldom think about. Would we wish that some more gentle approach had been taken? Sure, but history show us that when two groups want the same land they fight for it. and the loser gets what the winner will give him.i would venture to say that there are more indians alive now then there were in 1492 and they are living a lot better.I understand why some indians are angry, I have relatives who are still angry about Bonnie Prince Charlie and George the ll. But you have to live in the time you are born in. As for whites, if they truly believe that the conquest of the Americans was wrong, i call upon them to put their money where their mouth is. Let the PC whites sign over their homes that they say was stolen, to the local tribe and BUY the homes back from the tribes at a price that the tribes set. I have been calling on PC types to to that for 30 years and NONE of them has done it yet.

Bed Bath and a Roar! part l

"improve this ..fix that." puffed Grrr as they ran" You apes always gotta monkey around with stuff!' "Yeah? Who invented rootbeer and big screen TV to watch dino movies on and movies? And for that matter I am not the guy with a big gas barbeque outside my door!" Puffed Bob. "Ok-ok so you did a few things right! But did ya have the brains to stop while ya were ahead? NO! You humans just don't know when to quit!" puffed Grrr in reply
To be continued

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bed Bath and a Roar! part 1

"It is all your fault!" roared an angry Grrr at Bob. 
"What did I do now? You rotten reptile' asked Bob as the two pals ran around the block together.
"You or ok, to be fair , your species, had to go and invent things! Could ya leave well enough alone? Oh No! You apes just gotta go and improve this... fix that..' replied the mighty be continued

Image result for picture of a shower

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Were this a more civilized age.

Were this a more civilized age few would bother carrying arms.
Lugging around pounds of iron and lead is annoying. Yet the fact is that the trend toward barbarism has been accelerating  since the late 60's.
The Government is distrusted..the media lies, pols play one group against the other for political gain The Bible is gone from the schools and moral value is thing of the past. Crime is up and it shows no sign of getting better. I see hope if Trump wins. Failing that, just more political discord. I have no wish for conflict or to harm a fellow being but I do not wish to be in position where evil creatures harm me or mine. So the right of arms is a rational response to a troubled age.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

"Grrr was in a rage"...part Vl.

"Ole Ape" replied Grrr as he reached for his cell phone, "You humans are a young species; but boy, when it comes to deserved payback. you apes are creative!" replied Grrr with an evil T -Rex grin as he raised his root beer can in salute ."...
A ring or so later Bruce the Shark answered  Grrr's phone
"Grrr! My Boy! How are you how is the family and your human friends?" 
"They are well pal. How are things with you?" replied Grrr.
" At my age? If you are still here to be is good" replied a happy shark.
I heard about Jr and the Kong film.  Kids! What can you say?  When the acting bug bites.
.Still I was surprised..I did not think that know." Bruce replied sadly.
"That is what I am calling about pal, I don't think he  knew what he was getting into."  Replied Grrr.
'So? " Tell..tell"  asked Bruce 
As Grrr told the story, he could hear the water in Bruce's tank began to bubble and that is NEVER a good sign.
"So? To My Godson they do this ? But  to be fair... justice we must do.  Wait by the phone 5 minutes no longer.  A few calls I gotta make!" said Bruce as he hung up.
"How did it go old reptile?" asked Bob.
"You know Bruce. The soul of fairness. He is calling around. Have a donut and coffee. This won't  take long. Answered Grrr.
Five minutes later the phone rang.
Grrr could hear the pool churning in the background. "Never in my life 90 years in the business! In my day, sure we wanted to make money.  No money no films but honesty..truth. how can you make good art good film, if you are are swine? Where is the heart?  Have you seen the  stuff? Zombies and remakes of remakes and not even good remakes..The craft is dying..But this low?  Never have I even heard! ..The boy told the truth. He was told that the fight was just a setup shot and never given a script and innocent boy that he is, he trusted!  Worse they billed him as The son of "REX FROM JP." But never paid intern they said working for the experience. But the pay of a star was in the budget ! From there to the director and producer's pockets  it went!  By all reports the boy did good work. The camera likes him. You know how important that is. If he wants to come back. The word is now out that he is  handled by the Shark agency as only the best are". said Bruce the Shark. 
 As for the smuck  director and his fink producers, the ONLY way they get get near a movie from now on is if they buy a ticket!"   

Friday, October 2, 2015

Grrr was in a rage...part V.

"They said that I should not bother Uncle Bruce that I was a big Rex ..gonna be a star and a star has to go by feeling so I ..I trusted them."  said Grrr jr.
Grrr and Bob looked at each other and then at Jr. He could read nothing from their stern iron faces.
Grrr. Spokel " Rex go wait in the house we will discuss this and call you  when we are ready."
"yes. Dad..Uncle Bob" Jr said he walked into the house.
"Pal, you know who's fault this is  right?" said Grrr as he reached for a root-beer.

"yep. Ours. No question.The boy has never been a liar and judging by that story he was conned. We did not prepare him for the outside world."  replied Bob 
"We gave him the impression that all beings were honorable; and  that did NOT prepare him for the rats. We have to fix that. but I tell ya, I am going to the Coast and eat that director feet first!: Snarled Grrr. His eyes flashing red.  
"you are just too kind pal but I got a better idea." Bob said with an evil marine grin.
"What could be worse than being eaten alive" ole ape. Grrr asked.
"Who is Jr's God uncle and loves him like a son? Who will see this not only as an insult to Jr but as a personal insult that someone in the business figured that he could do this to his Godson? Who can INSURE with a phone call that the next job that director or any one that even thinks about hiring him will get in Hollywood is being a gofer to the gofer's gofer?" replied Bob"
"Ole Ape" replied Grrr as he reached for his cell phone, "You humans are a young species but boy when it comes to deserved payback are you apes creative!" replied Grrr with an evil T -Rex grin  as he raised his root beer can in salute ." 

To be continued  

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Grrr was in a rage part lll.

Come in and tell your dad the truth." 
Walking toward the cave nervously, Jr went in to explain to Grrr. 
As Grrr Jr walked to the cave Stef and Gretta came out and hugged him. "It will be alright nestling." Gretta said . "Yes" Stef said "We love you!" 
"When you ladies are done?..." said Grrr.
"Yes this is a matter for guys" said Bob 
Grrr jr walked up to where his dad and Bob were sitting looking sternly at him. He noticed that Grrr did not have a can of rootbeer in his claw or Bob a cup of coffee in hand and Jr Knew he was in trouble.
"Rex" said Grrr. "you know that honor is the soul of a gentlerex and that includes doing nothing that may bring disgrace on yourself or any other rex. Did you or did you not let Kong defeat you  in that film?"
""Uh..I..I..." replied Grrr Jr. 
"Speak up kid! Growled Bob "You said you were tricked. Explain yourself!"

"Dad..Uncle Bob...I did do it but not like it seems ..they told me I ..!"
"Spit it out like a Rex!" Roared Grrr.
"The director told me that it was only a setup shot that..there  was gonna be cut..just to test the lighting...I ..I told him I would fight Kong or lose . but that .I  would quit before I would throw the fight..He..he said ..he understood; ..that he was proud of me..that the scene was just casting shot..I did not know it was going to be in the film till the movie came out!!!!!"

"Boy You did think to read the script?" asked Grrr
"Dad. Sir..They..they did not give me one..the director said I did not need one that it would ruin the purity of my proforence."
"So, why not call your uncle Bruce the Shark? You know he is a big fish in film business?' asked Bob.
"Or why not just call me or your mother. You know we have experience? ' asked Grrr
"They said that I should not bother Uncle Bruce that I was a big Rex ..gonna be a star and a star  has to go by feeling so I ..I trusted them."

To be continued.

Grrr was in a rage! part lll

......"but in this case, I...I mean what could he say? But we rex are fair beings. He is hiding the him in." said the mighty T Rex.
Bob went outside and called "Jr! Get your tail over here! You father wants to hear your side!" The head of a young T-Rex popped up from behind a tree.
"Uncle Bob..sir, is dad?..I can hear roaring! " replied Jr ."Of course he is mad and shocked and ashamed Jr. Frankly, so am I. You know how we feel about family honor and doing right!" "But Uncle Bob it was not my..they tricked me..I..."
"I believe you Jr. you can be flat headed at your age, but you were never a liar. Come in and tell your dad the truth."
Walking toward the cave nervously, Jr went in to explain to Grrr.
To be continued.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Grrr was in a rage! part 2

..."Jr got a part in a new King Kong film and there was the fight sequence and..and..and he.. he let Kong ..He let Kong win!" whispered Gretta.
"WHAT? " roared Bob." How could he? he is A t-rex, Grrr oldest son. No wonder Grrr is mad..I..." "Now Bob don't start" said Stef, "He is still Gretta's nestling too and there must be a good reason." Gretta and Stef hugged each other and exchanged looks of sympatry. "I better go see my pal." said Bob.
Going over to Grrr's cave with a case of Mug root beer and a pot of coffee, Bob called; "Coming in" You just don't walk up by surprise on an angry T-Rex.
"Bob? Come in pal. I..I guess you heard?" said Grrr. "Yeah." said Bob tossing a root beer to Grrr. " I can see why you would be angry.' "Thanks pal, Gretta cannot..she still thinks of him as a nestling..but he is a grown Rex and he knows better..i raised him better..My own kid..letting the monkey win!!! offence Bob I mean some mamals are ok..but I know.." I do know pal. " Nodded Bob. "What if I had a son and he became a gun and history hating peacenik? "Right pal" said own son...I gave him my old motor bike and remember we showed him how to ride.. " said Grrr "Yep and to build computers.' replied Bob. "Have you talked to him about it?"
"No! What is there to talk about? He did it or he did not." replied Grrr. "Pal "Now remember when you were class dino and we had to hear both sides and some times it turned out to be not what we were first told?. "yeah,like when we figured that a kid glued me to the desk..but it was another kid" said Grrr. ."but in this case, I...I mean what could he say? But we rex are fair beings. He is hiding the him in." To be continued
Image result for picture of an angry T rex

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Grrr was in a rage!

Grrr was in a rage!
The eyes of the mighty T-Rex were blood red as he roared.
"How could he? HOW COULD HE?? my own son!!!!
Gretta ran over to Bob and Stef's house and called her friend Stef.
"Stef Grrr is about to go Jurassic! Could you ask Bob to go talk to him..before..before...?" Of course dear, have a cup of tea and I will get Bob." replied Stef. "What is the problem Gretta?" asked Bob as he walked in from the garage." I can hear Grrr roaring in the back of the house?" "It--it is Jr. He..he went to LA on vacation". sobbed Gretta. "He got bitten by the acting bug..he.." "I know how Grrr feels about the movie business but you were both once stars and if Jr.." "it is not that Bob..Jr got a part in a new King Kong film and there was the fight sequence and..and..and he.. he let Kong ..He let Kong win!" To be continued

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Grrr and his Boy

The past cannot be judged by the standards of the present.

The past cannot be judged by the standards of the present.
If I were to tell you that Napoleon was a bad general becouse he did not use tanks and gunships at Waterloo, you would think me a fool. Yet pols judge the USA of 1789 by the rules of 2015 and call us a "racist" country!!! In the world of 1789, you were born into your social class and only those in the Aristocratic class had "rights" anyone else dam well ,touched their forelock bowed did what they were told...or else. in our Constitution, we took a step forward and said that a man was NOT limited by his birth. Later in 1866, at the cost of 600,000 dead and a 1000000 wounded out of a population of 20,000,000, and half the nation in smoking ruins, we took another step forward and ended slavery, in 1920 yet another step and women gained the right to vote, in the 1960's the process of integrating the nation began , we started to look at character not color. Are we PERFECT? No and humans NEVER will be; but we are a LOT closer to the ideal that " all men and women were created and are politically equal.I have yet to see long lines of the "oppressed" fleeing the USA!
Judge people solely by THEIR actions.

Local vs. National: Why You Should Care

  JBS Weekly Member Update  —
September 14, 2015
Local vs. National: Why You Should Care
There are certain times of the year when the Constitution should put on pads and a football jersey in order to be noticed. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for dressing it up in a suit as a presidential candidate since the candidates love to invoke the fading document in pre-election rhetoric, but immediately dismiss it from memory upon taking their oath. That's the type of attention it doesn't need.
Instead of focusing on the presidential election, we should be focusing on something we have more control over: local political races and getting more involved in the decision-making process in the local community. When was the last time you attended a local government meeting, visited with local officials, shared a concern with a business owner, or locally organized to make a difference?
In shifting our focus from those we cannot control to those that we can, success can follow the organization we locally build.
Let's shift this topic to law enforcement. Do you think it would be easier to have your concerns addressed by a local official who is accountable to the communities he or she serves, or is it easier to have these concerns addressed by an official accountable to some office in faraway Washington DC? 
Make no mistake about it, the feds are using this past year's worth of street violence as an excuse to further its control over local law enforcement (a traditional check on federal tyranny). And we know who is promoting this agenda, what it is being disguised as, and how it can be fixed.
Our latest video takes about four minutes to make the distinction between local and national police, going over seven differences. Please review it and share it with others. Then take a stand locally against federal tyranny by creating a Support Your Local Police and Keep Them Independent committee. Your JBS Coordinator will be happy to assist you.
If you're not yet a JBS member, now is a great time to make that commitment!

Kerry and Mr. Obama starting the NEW Cold war.…/russian-flights-over-iraq-and-iran…
Kerry and Mr. Obama starting the NEW Cold war. You talk in pvt to another great power if you want them to work with you. You do NOT tell the other power in public that it MUST obey..That insures that it WILL NOT. Nations do not like to lose face. Either Kerry and Mr. Obama are geniuses, playing some sort of byzantine political chess game or they are arrogant fellows indeed doing much national harm.
Moscow has been ferrying military equipment and personnel over the countries to Syria, despite stark American warnings against such shipments.

Internationalism stinks…/gang-leaders-in-el-salvador-test…
Ya wanna tell me again how "diversity is our strength" and how good "progressives open borders and internationalism" is?I sort of missed that part???
Two were arrested by border agents in Texas. Another was found washing cars at a Santa Ana dealership.The Salvadoran gang members were responsible, U.S....

International corporations or international commies what is the difference ?


Corbyn is really communist who professes an admiration for Karl Marx

Jeremy Corbyn, the infamous Karl Marx admirer, has been elected UK opposition Labour leader.
Corbyn is really communist who professes an admiration for Karl Marx. He is the new face of Britain’s opposition Labour party which will help to make a British EU exit more likely. The Marxist sophistry is rob anyone who has more. They never understand that we all provide our piece of the economy that creates the whole. Many are starting to realize that this could be the downturn for Britain.
This is actually right on schedule for the other side of 2015.75 will be the battle of all time – Freedom v Authoritarianism. People like Corbyn will inspire violent and the overthrow of capitalism for what they think will be the betterment of man. They are idiots and dangerous ones at that for you cannot eradicate human nature. Yet they will try.
I am routinely asked why to I resistance so persistently? What I do I do for my family and their future. If it were just me alone, I am ready to depart this world for I do not wish to live in the world Corbyn and others like him want to create. They cannot see that they seek to enslave me for their benefit. I am free and that is the true meaning of what Patrick Henry said so eloquently – “Give me freedom, or give me Death!” Death to me is preferable to living in their world of subjugation. You do not appreciate what those word so profoundly mean until you are confronted with the true evil of Marxists.