Saturday, April 27, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Syrian War.

The Syrian War.
I am not opposed to war. In fact I think that it can be the only manly response if the nation is attacked or insulted. I am and have always been a hawk.
That being said I see no reason for another war in Syria. The Syrians have not attacked us. We have in fact attacked them with this "Arab Spring movement" that we are encouraging. Think about how the USG would react if the "Occupy" people or the "Tea Party" folks got massive supplies and arms from Russia or China and marched on Washington. The nation is broke..more we are trillions in the red. We cannot afford "nation-building". Or of far more value the American blood another war..excuse me..pols don't like the word "war" any more another ."social correction" will cost. Never figured I would EVER write THIS but for once I am on the side of the peaceniks. People in both parties are calling "intervention". This is the time to E-mail your congress persons before this gets out of hand.

The "elite"

I was thinking about algore and the elite mind set. I ran into a lot of those folk at the International History Club in college. "That sort of work is NOT what we do" I never cared for that mind set. We have no noble class in America. Any work, if it is honest, is just as honorable as any other. I have no patience with elitists, if they are that high and mighty, why did they come to the USA? You would think that they would have stayed in the old country and ruled the serfs. No place for that here. An American bows only to God.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

We The People won

The gun control bill was defeated in the Senate. We won this one.
Proves that the American system still works and that it is a wonder of the ages. Bloomberg, a man who has armed guards even in his vacation estate Bermuda, would deny that right to others, the political power of the President and the weight of the liberal elite spoke and yet the voices of Jane and John Everyperson are still heard in the halls of power.   T'is a great day to be an American.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why we don't trust the progressives when they speak of "reasoniable" gun bans

Mr. Obama, before he was in the WH, it has been reported said..that He does not think people outside of government have a right to arms.
Mr. Holder said, I saw the clip on TV, before he was in office that people had to be brainwashed into giving up their guns.
Sen. Finestine said had she the votes, she would have made Americans turn in all their arms. So by "reasonable" the left means ALL.
Now these are NOT stupid people and they know that criminals WILL NOT turn in their guns..criminals don't obey the law, that is why they are criminals, so that only honest Americans will be the question becomes.."why do they want to disarm honest Americans? Think about that. Then call Congress and tell them to vote "NO" on any gun bans..

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Grrr ate the salesman

                               Grrr ate the salesman.
Gretta is annoyed at Grrr. Seems that when salesguy was at their cave, he got to talking about the JP movies.
"you know Mr. Grrr I have long enjoyed those movies." Grrr smiled and handed him a rootbeer. "Yes, JP 3 was the finest ...the big dino with the spikes on his back..outstan.".....
There was a roar of rage and Stef and Gretta ran in to see the feet of the salesman's feet disappear down Grrr's throat.
"So, pal." said Grrr later to Bob "Gretta and Stef are both mad at me...but what else could I do..after he said that?"
"Nothing old reptile..a clear matter of honor."agreed Bob.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Public education has become public indoctrination.

Public education has become public indoctrination.

Now you may say that it always was and the is true to some degree.
But what it was indoctrinating at one time was American Ideals; fair play...hard work... individualism...courage...manhood...honor.

Now it is one world-ism... conformity..socialism ,,, diversity..and uni-sexism.


Note the use of pre-printed tests...they give them to you in a flash drive when you buy the books for the class.
Wonderful.!!!..don't have to stay up nights composing tests..
GRAND!!!...the parents cannot say that the test was "Unfair" are against THEIR kid. as you did not compose the test.
Just make sure that you posted the required reading pages on the class web site and the kids cannot complain that you did not teach "what was on the test'
Too professionally incompetent to evaluate your class? Not a problem. The issue test has all the "Standards" requirements needed to keep the principal happy. wonderful.

BUT LOOK the test.

Among the worst of the many problems of America is: A. Genocide of native people...B. Institutional racism/ sexism against people of color and women.
C. Denial of basic human rights to gays... D .All of the above.

The major inventions of the last 1500 years:. Gunpowder used as peaceful fireworks... The Compass....Paper...and Printing were all taken by warlike Europeans from the creative cultures of ...A. Korea ...B.China..C. India...D. Islam.

In a bold vision to create a more just community "Das Kaptial" was written by; A. Stalin...B. Lenin..C..Marx...D.Che.

The major reason the South attacked Fort Sumter was: A. To defend racism and slavery. B. To expand slavery into the territory stolen from Mexico. C. To prevent Lincoln from freeing the slaves...D. To stop to the Underground Railroad.

Now you give that sort of test to the kids from k to 12 and just how do you think that the kids are going to react as adults?
The student wants to pass and please his/ her parents and Hey..the "teacher told us"...Got to be true.

The young teacher? All she or he knows is that the tests came with the textbooks, they cannot get in trouble for using them, new teachers can be a nervous lot, and it is just easier to print them out. New teachers have a thousand things to do and little time to do it.
PTA...PTG...Meetings...Reports...Inservices..Wasc. ..etc.....yard duty...traffic duty...the better ones will stay late, without pay, and tutor the slow kids who want to learn. Sleep? Not for the first two or three years...sort of like Marine ITR. : )

Just use the nice preprinted tests....Look up "the Long march through the Institutions'.....none of this is accidental.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Albert Ant part 2

"Grrr I..I..we..don't think the NEST has a month....." The nest...they recalled ...had to get a permit from the Dept of Ant Nests and  they are going to revoke it."

"Humm' replied Grrr, "I cannot jump you to the head of the line at the Center, that would not be fair to the other beings, but I am off today, at my Cave, why don't you come over for a class of "sweet tea" and we can talk. "Thank you Grrr." replied Albert the Ant. "I shall pick up some root-beer and be right over."
                         About half an hour later Albert the Ant roared up to Grrr's cave on his green 1500 CC chopper."Thank, you for seeing me Grrr" said Albert as he took a drink of his 5 gallon glass of sweet tea.  "Tea ok Buddy? "  Grrr asked "Why yes." said a surprised Albert, "Just like the kind we drink in the nest." "I had the recipe from Andy Ant." said Grrr. "Figured that you might like it as well."

"Grrr, you must know that we Ants are not quitters or cowards. Fire..flood..other ants..bug spray..we just keep a stiff upper lip and march forward. but this is the worst horror of all....
Grrr, we are the prey of ...of...of bureaucrats!!!!!!!!!
To be continued
Giant Ants & Racers

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Grrr and Albert Ant

Grrr was sitting around his cave enjoying a root-beer and watching JP when his cell phone rang.
"Hello Grrr here." He answered.
 "Grrr. Albert Ant" was the reply.
"We have never met but my nest mate Andy Ant, I am one of the "THEM" ants advised me to call.
"Any nest mate of Andy is ok with me." replied Grrr.
"I...I..understand that you work at the wellness Center helping other beings and well, could I come in tomorrow. I called ...but they said that it would be month...Grrr I..I..we..don't think the NEST has a month....."   to be continued.

..A Jury of free people is the protection of the free person. Amendment 7

Constitution 101 ...A Jury of free people is the protection of the free person.
Amendment 7
"In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law."

This one works on several ideas: The Absolute power of the jury and the protection of the right of private property.
In England at one point the judge,who was paid by the king could set aside the ruling if the king did not like it. "What to keep ye old job judge?..Doeth the right verdict"
This forbids that. Once the jury rules, in most cases, that is it.
It protects a person's right of ownership by ensuring the right to a jury, if for any reason his or her goods are taken. Remember the right to own means the right of food and the control of your food makes you free.
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  • Robert Robertson You read a lot about how rotten the people of today are and how wonderful the people in the old days . Not true. There have ALWAYS been good and bad people. The men who wrote the Constitution knew that and that is why the Constitution both sets up and LIMITS the power of Government.